Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Oh shit.

This is supposed to be my final edit:

To be fair, not every page is like this. This is the result of changing two, tiny, insignificant lines in the previous chapter so that they are now fairly important lines. Unfortunately, that tiny change meant that this chapter needed a whole heap of revision.

It is, however, coming along nicely. Well, that's what I think when I can see beyond the red pen, anyway.

Pip xxx

Friday, 6 April 2012

6 - Lunch

Woo! Get me! That would be two posts in one day!

6 - Lunch.

Wait, that's not very healthy, is it?

Here's another go:

On the rare occasions that I get to choose what I eat these days, I tend to go for something comforting, and something that won't make me nauseated. This leaves quite a small list.

On the other hand, the pie was delicious:

I think we all knew I wasn't going to eat that lettuce, didn't we?

And that's me up to date! Tomorrow, my prompt is 'Shadow'. I'm going to keep my eyes peeled for a cool one for the rest of the day!

Pip xxx

Return of the bad blogger

I have so many excuses as to why I haven't written in a while, but what it boils down to is that I've been an inspiration free zone.

I did start writing a whiny post about hormones, but then I was too hormonal to finish it, so that might come in a bit, but it might not.

However, while trawling through the internet looking for something that would make me go 'huh', I found a photo-a-day list for April. The idea, as I'm sure you know, is that you take a photo of something that's on a prompt list, and then stick it somewhere for people to see. I'm a dreadful photographer, but being otherwise inspiration free, I thought I'd give it a shot anyway. I stole my list from @scarlyKFCurtis, who in turn stole it from @FatMumSlim.

1) Reflection of you.

I've seen the cool kidz do this in facebook photos. It's supposed to look something like this; right?

I have to admit I'm a little bit proud that I worked out how to turn the flash off. I'm less proud that MrPip's trousers are drying in the background, but hell, this is what our house looks like most days.

2) Colour.

You probably know, or could guess, that along with being a dreadful blogger and an awful photographer, and a terrible housekeeper, I also can't manage a garden. Ours was laid to lawn before we got it, but I had wild ideas, like planting apple trees right in the middle of the lawn, because surely apple trees are automatically great, right? And surely smack in the middle of a small patch of grass is the perfect place for them, isn't it?  In addition to this, we're right by the railway and get over-run with ground elder as soon as we start digging flowerbeds. So the garden is a messy patch of ragged grass with trees in the middle (oh, and next door's bamboo is invading too). But when they laid the lawn, they weren't very thorough with getting rid of all the bulbs, so each spring, this happens:

I like the fact that someone else's sloppy workmanship causes a gorgeous display of colour right when we really need it.

3) Mail

I've been waiting for a letter confirming Claudia's school place all week, but it hasn't arrived. I was hoping to take a picture of this Big Important Letter, but I can't. All of our mail consists of bank statements or bills, and nothing fun at all. It all gets put onto the dining table, and then MrPip loads details of each onto a massive spreadsheet containing all the important information that causes our lives to continue to run. He also likes cake, and drawing pictures with Tom, and I got the jigsaw puzzles out and didn't tidy them away (bad housekeeper, remember), and sometimes we can't be bothered to take books back to the bookshelves, so in the end, our dining table ends up looking like this:

Actually, now I look at it, that's not too bad. The other side of it's obscured under daily rubbish. Perhaps this is what photographers mean about choosing your frame.

4) Someone who makes you happy.

This was going to be a pic of MrPip, as he often does, but he hates having his photo taken, and fortunately, I'm regularly surrounded by, smothered by, jumped on and walked across by two incredibly photogenic people who make me happy:

They're having a staring competition, which is the only way to get either one of them to be vaguely quiet.

5) Tiny.

I like tiny, and Claudia has inherited my love of tiny, and her current favourite thing is a small, clay llama that is part of a decorative solitaire set. I find that that there's something completely endearing about her carrying her little friend around in her fist or her pocket, taking him places to show him new things. I suspect the friendship will be intense and brilliant but short lived, and he'll be dropped as soon as the next thing fascinates her, but right at this particular moment in time, I love that she loves her llama.

Today's prompt is 'lunch', which means I ought to try to remember to have some. That means I have to get this sorry body down to the shops to buy some. This means that I should stop writing things to stick up on the internet.


Pip xxx