Friday 4 March 2011

Friday 4th March 2011

Word count on Wednesday: Big Fat 0
Word count Yesterday: Big Fat 0.

Writing failure.

But do you want to see my excuse?

First off; Tom fell in the playground and got a mountain sized lump on his forehead.  Poor boy.  And I had one of those annoying parenting moments of 'I know he's fine but if I don't take him to casualty, he will suddenly not be fine after all, and I will be Judged'.

We actually got saved from the casualty wait not by our local health centre who were frankly rubbish on this occasion (not able to help, fine, not able to help and really rather rude about it, not fine), but by the person who sold my Mum her boat who happened to be down looking at the various renovations, and who happens to be an ex-army doctor.  He gave Tom the once over and declared him fine.  I amended the diagnosis to 'clumsy, but fine'.   As this happened less than a week after he fell off the boat while it was moored in the marina, I stand by this diagnosis.

We got home at about 5.30, which, while not late, was too late for me to start a chapter, and due to my usual slight panic over all things medical, I was too exhausted to do anything other than watch the Got To Dance final.  (On that, go Chris and Wes! If I'd have watched during the live final, I would absolutely have voted for them!)

Yesterday I had no such excuse, but as Tom needed to be home so that he could be observed, I distracted him with Doctor Who, something he hasn't seen yet, and I hadn't seen any episodes since Christopher Ecclestone left.  And my word, I may have got a little bit addicted.  So yesterday night I spent a couple of hour watching some of those instead of writing.  So sue me.

Today, back at work, and I am going to attempt to restrain myself a touch tonight and get something done, either FF or novel.  Haven't decided yet.

So lets all sit back and watch that resolution plummet to the earth with a sickening crash.

Pip xxx

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