Monday, 30 May 2011

I am feeling GOOD!

I really am! I’ve had a couple of weeks where I’ve felt annoyingly uninspired and lethargic. I’ve had a number of story ideas playing thought my head but no actual will to write anything.  This ties in with feeling unenergetic at home, and utterly uncommitted to anything at work.

I think there are a number of causes for this, all of which are mostly whiney whines from me. I think the main thing to concentrate on, is that I am finally feeling better!

Saturday, I wrote a chapter of Slightly which, while I don’t think it’s exactly my best work, had enough good bits in it for me to publish it yesterday. Despite having had a surprisingly small amount of sleep, I was then energetic enough to spend two hours cleaning the bathroom. I then wrote a couple of drabbles and published them too. Then I admitted that I might be a touch tired, so watched a film. A new film.

I know these sound like really small things, but sometimes I think it’s good to take stock and think about the really small things that we manage to do that are challenges if just the smallest thing goes wrong. Tiny, but necessary achievements. And cleaning the bathroom had been necessary for a good three months but I just couldn’t face it. The writing too, I was beginning to feel guilty that I was doing so little, even though it’s for no-body’s benefit but my own. And while watching a film is arguably passive, I have lacked the concentration to engage with anything for more than half an hour and have only watched old familiar friends. It was mildly humiliating that the plots of Doctor Who were baffling me.

So, hurrah for feeling well and snapping out of it, finally!

Today I’ve cleaned the kitchen! And I’m about to write another chapter of Broken Angels

If I was feeling particularly Polly-Anna-ish, I'd challenge everyone else to think of the sheer amount of things they do on a daily basis. Then I'd tell you to go and celebrate the brilliance of You.

I really don’t know how long this energy will last, so I’m carpeing my diems with both hands.

And finally, while I’m bubbling with self-confidence, I’m going to link this story here. I re-read this yesterday, and I’d forgotten how much I like this one. It’s not my favourite; that remains Just For Fun which was just such a joy to write (and with the help of a truly marvellous friend, I’m learning grammar and revising it to make better written fun). Anyhow, this one pleases me, so I’m sharing it here for anyone who hasn’t seen it or who just fancies a re-read. (There is no erotica in this one, just a nice story. Try not to be too disappointed.)

Light Versus Dark.